Future Māori Leaders
Ngā Rangatira o Āpōpō

What Would it Take to Grow a Whole New Cohort of Future Māori Leaders in the Telecommunications Sector?
Our Future Māori Leaders (FML) programme is part of our overarching workforce programme. FML focuses on building and supporting Māori who choose to explore or work in the wireless network and adjacent technologies sectors. The programme supports Māori on their telecommunications journey at any stage in their studies, jobs and careers.
The goal is to build a generation of leaders.
FML members will receive access and/or support for coaches, industry networks, industry certifications, workshops on leadership, and be considered for scholarships and internships, professional development, and get other support for their learning and jobs – all helping them progress faster and further on their pathways.
The FML members will also form a circular support system where those already in our programmes or in stable pathways, will be invited to provide support to their peers with our overarching guidance and oversight.
Contact us if you are on a pathway for electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunications fields at any level, or just curious.

Future Māori Leaders
Do you want to move from wherever you are now in the telco sector towards leadership? You could be a student, trainee, in your first job or 10 years into your career. You could be in the field, lab or office. We have a substantial support programme with coaches, and access to industry, workshops and courses, and potential internships and scholarships.
Contact us >>
Future Māori Leader Scholarships
In 2025, will you be in your final year of your Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree? Our Future Māori Leaders' scholarships are bundled with funds, job experience, research and development, and industry networking opportunities. We have scholarships with a selection of university Schools of Engineering for a limited number of recipients in 2025. Let us help you get to the finish line and support you to find your next job.
Future Māori Leaders Internships
Have you built your skills or passed your qualifications and now you're ready to start working? Whether its in the field, in the lab or in the office, talk to us about your future aspirations and apply for an internship either with Tū Ātea or with one of our telco partners.