Māori Spectrum &
telecommunications service.


Connecting Māori to spectrum opportunities.

We’re building an eco-system for Māori to participate and innovate in the telecommunications sector.

Tū Ātea (Māori Spectrum & Telecommunications Services), previously known as the Interim Māori Spectrum Commission, was established by the Māori Spectrum Working Group (MSWG) in 2020 to hold the long-term rights to telecommunications spectrum.

Tū Ātea is developing its commercial strategy to enable its use of the spectrum allocation resulting from the agreement between Māori and the Crown. Its Spectrum Innovation Platform includes support for research and development, testing, prototyping and training for Māori on a range of wireless technologies.

Read more about the history of our journey on our Māori Spectrum Working Group website.

Come back soon as we continue to build our new Tū Ātea website.

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